Mission: Tuesday Update

July 7, 2009 at 1:17 pm 2 comments

Hey there! MI Kakis 🙂

How’s the week going? It’s Tuesday!! Have y’all been doing the really Easy Peasy mission this week?

Building a bridge with strangers and such, or just generally being polite, being the first to say “Hi Uncle, or Aunty!”, greeting ppl with a SMILE.. It really isn’t that hard, and don’t think it doesn’t make a difference.. By just doing that, u may actually make someone’s day out there ya know? It is little things like that that we don’t pay much attention to, but, they really do make a difference.. So, be on a mission to Smile and someone and greet them!!

On a personal note, I met someone at a pet shop and just started talking to her, and guess what, I think I may have found a prospective buyer for one of Ruth and Rachel’s new puppies *grins* haha.. it’s not something I do in the ordinary, but I made up my mind to be nice and as helpful as possible.. so yeah, it was actually quite pleasant chatting with a stranger..

Anyhow, remember that we’ll be getting the official MI Survival Kit this Saturday.. So, looking at the items in the kit, think about what creative ways u can use the kit to IMPACT someone’s life..

The items are:
MI Journal
Garbage Bag

Another suggestion that would be great is, if u’d like to, u can set aside a small amount of $$ every week, and put it inside the Survival Kit, and that could be for buying someone lunch, or something..

Note: This is just a suggestion and not an exact representation.

And remember, tell us ur stories, and as we embark on this journey, let us encourage each other, and spur one another towards good deeds..

So, till the next post..



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Photo Gallery Updated Just a thought..

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. trey-c  |  July 7, 2009 at 1:49 pm

    vry nice blog! keep it up

  • 2. missionimpactcy  |  July 7, 2009 at 5:45 pm

    Woot! You can come up with new posts too! Just login and blog awaay!!


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July 2009

Weekly Activities

Saturday :: 3PM :: Main Sanctuary, DH


Week 1: Imago Dei (
Combined: Tabitha Ong)

Week 2: Biblical Role Models

Week 3: Challenges Men & Women Face

Week 4: Characteristics of Men & Women of God

Week 5: Cell Activities!!!


Week 1: Special Speaker: Missionary Pooshani (

Week 2: ARK (Acts of Random Kindness)

Week 3: Lives of Quality: Resistance of Steel

Week 4: MTB (Muka Tembok Besi) Day!!

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